Breast Augmentation: Silicone Gel

25 year old female with constricted asymmetric breasts desired volumetric enlargement and more cleavage. She had bilateral breast augmentation with Allergan Inspira Smooth Round Moderate Profile 360cc gel implants. She is two years postop with excellent cleavage, contour and symmetry.
Breast Augmentation: Silicone Gel

21 year old with a broad chest with breast asymmetry who desired significant breast enlargement. She had a breast augmentation with Allergan Inspira Smooth Round Moderate Profile 330cc gel on right, 295cc gel on the left. She is one year postop with dramatic improvement of her breast/chest wall contour and shape.
Breast Augmentation

Patient is a 30 year old female with deflated breasts after three children who desired more fullness in her upper pole. Postoperatively she has restoration of her breast volume and shape with improved symmetry and contour with 325 cc moderate profile silicone gel implants bilaterally, placed subpectoral using an inframammary fold incision.
Breast Augmentation

Patient is a slender 22 year old with breast asymmetry, constricted base and minimal breast tissue. She desired improvement in breast shape. This was achieved with 300 cc moderate plus profile silicone gel implants placed subpectoral via an inframammary incision with release of her tight constricted base.
Breast Augmentation

Patient is a34 year old female with two children and desired more cleavage and fullness as well as increased size. Postoperatively, she has improved cleavage, shape and contour with 350 cc moderate plus silicone gel implants placed subpectoral via an inframammary incision. To improve the cleavage, I added fat injections from her inner thigh to the inner breast areas bilaterally.